Creating Whole Health with Compassion

The problem with obtaining whole health is not ignorance. We know that we should eat more green leafy and crunchy vegetables; we should stand and walk more; and we should be intentionally grateful each day. The problem is compliance.

So how do you create a plan and stick to it? 

You may need to pause for a bit, get quiet, and reflect on past success and failure.  What has worked?  What has not worked in your efforts toward better health?  You need to get at the root cause for why you are not engaged in a Lifestyle that promotes Health

Deep down, do you think you deserve to be healthier in body, mind, and spirit? What would happen if you could really achieve this state of positive health?  How would your life change?  I know that these are not easy questions because even social support matters.  If you are currently surrounded by others that do not desire improved health in the same way that you do, this could be a limiting factor. 

If improving your health is important to you, you need to look at all factors that are affecting you.  But you must do so with some ease.  Achieving whole health is about internal motivation and inspiration which can only be achieved by self-compassion.

Self-compassion is about turning inward. It is about taking time to truly look at your flaws and decide that you are OK. You are complete and whole right now.  Once you come to this realization then you will want to nourish yourself in every way possible: the food you eat, the movement you do, and the thoughts that you think about yourself.  Once you begin to practice self-compassion regularly, you will desire and yearn to feel better in Body, Mind and Spirit.  Then you will find that motivation is not issue.

As always, I’m available for private consultation to get you on the path toward Health.

